Please support the families of the fallen Ukrainian defenders

Make a donation to support the families of fallen defenders via the Soborna* Ukraine Foundation
*Soborna means "United" in Ukrainian
In 2014 russia launched war against Ukraine. In 2022 russia escalated with a full-scale invasion into Ukraine.  As a result, there are tens of thousands of children who have lost one or both parents serving in the Ukrainian Armed Forces.  This war is impacting generations of Ukrainian families.
Many of those who died were not professional soldiers, but civilians who worked in offices and factories. They had to set aside their civilian lives to protect their families and the country from the russian invaders.

Since 2015, a group of entrepreneurs from the CEO Club has been supporting the families of fallen defenders from the 92nd brigade, SSO and the National Guard.

children are currently under the care of the community - these are 164
families of fallen heroes

What we do to support defender's families

Monthly financial payments
$50 per month for every kid till 21 y.o.
Psychological rehabilitation
Individual and group therapy for children and adults
Educational opportunities
Tutoring center for Ukrainian and English, mathematics, and history of Ukraine
In 2022, CEO Club members founded the CF "Soborna Ukraine" (Save Ukraine Now Inc.) to systematize the support that, unfortunately, more and more families need.
Funds collected from corporate and individual donors will allow the program to scale across Ukraine and provide consistency of services.

Please donate to contribute to the support of the defenders' families

You can make life easier for Ukrainian families who have lost their providers by contributing to the local charity fund "Soborna Ukraine", which systematically cares for the families of fallen servicemen and servicewomen.